SEO - The new blue ocean opportunity

Don't sleep on it.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I love SEO.

And the best part about this?

Most people think otherwise.

Ever since the AI boom started, organic search has been going down.

Every other person now searches on ChatGPT, Claude, or even Bing.

But here’s the thing:

SEO will never die (not for the next 5 years at least)

How am I sure about that?

Because search is not dead.

People have problems → they search for them online → they find your SEO article!

A person in my comment section put it really nicely (Shoutout Alex!):

My traffic from SEO

Every year, I get more than 10 million impressions from SEO.

It’s all passive. We write, post, and see the traffic roll in.

So naturally, I’m doubling down with more business moves. (Can you guess how? 👀👀)

I recently also had a small win with SEO on

Here is the blog if you are interested to read: link

But how do you write SEO articles like these?

Here you go:

Writing SEO articles

The trick here is simple.

Be useful. And better than GPT4.

This seems too low of a bar, right? but >90% of the SEO articles online fail these criteria.

Either they are GPT produced wordy and stuffy articles saying nothing. Or they are being churned by a writer who has lost his soul writing 12 hours a day.

Nothing comes out of this.

Instead, use this framework:

1/ Create a list of problems your ideal customer faces.
2/ Write real, useful articles, helping your customer, and promote your product.
3/ Find a way to get a few backlinks to your articles.

Remember, this is a quantity and quality game.

Taking advantage of the best writing and collaborative experience helps me A LOT in publishing great content.

So I write in Notion, and I use to convert those Notion pages into blog posts.


Less in number, good in quality = no meaningful traffic.
More in number, bad in quality = waste of time.

Getting traffic to your articles

If you have no traffic source, you have fewer options here.

  • Buy a couple of backlinks

  • Do internal linking to increase time spent on the website

  • Post on social media (be careful as the reach declines)

But in general, being helpful with your article leads to genuine traffic coming in from the web.

SEO traffic without blog posts

Wait what. SEO without blogs?


A large % of my SEO traffic is coming in from my free tools. These tools are built on top of each product and satisfy the needs of a specific customer.

I’ve done it for all my projects. I’m also doing it for my latest project Check it out:

Yes everyone is not a great writer, so building tools like those can be a great way to get SEO traffic without becoming a writing genius.

I’ve broken down my free tools strategy in an older edition here

Tweet of the week

Outlive your enemies, I guess? 🤣🤣

That’s it for this week!

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Hit reply and let me know what you found most helpful this week—I’d love to hear from you!

See you next Thursday!

Keep building

Tibo 💻