The OpenAI drama in memes

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The drama has finally ended. The Netflix show is about to be announced. And we have lived a Steve Jobs moment in 5 days.

To those unaware, the world’s fastest-growing company, OpenAI removed CEO Sam Altman and rehired him 5 days later. (Full details here)

But we’re here for the memes 😂

Here are the best ones (in order):

It all started here. Sam is suddenly fired from OpenAI. It’s Shocking.

Sam is one of the smartest people in the world, and to fire him? wow.

But in less than 48 hours, Satya Nadella hires him to run Microsoft AI (which pretty much owns OpenAI)

All of this drama happened while the Cricket World Cup’s finals was being played.

India vs Australia.

Well to be fair, he was the only Indian pulling moves that night (India lost the match).

The memes start rolling. Who can lead OpenAI better than Sam?
Perhaps Holmes?

Amidst this, a lot of OpenAI’s employees threatened to quit.

Other companies were ready. Here’s Salesforce’s CEO

It doesn’t matter if you are the CEO of Salesforce, a tech guy can still roast you 🤣🤣

The drama has settled.

OpenAI gets a new CEO. Sam and co move to Microsoft AI.

This only means one thing, another feather to this employee’s hat:

This is parody. But imagine this being true 😂😂

All of the companies mentioned here are now have undergone a drama.

Wait what?!

We thought the drama was over.

Ilya, the only remaining co-founder at OpenAI (and the supposed villain by now) goes public and apologizes.

Is something cooking here?

Aaaand he’s back:

Sam is back to being OpenAI’s CEO with the help of Satya.

It took Steve Jobs 11 years. But Sam is from a generation with a low attention span. Only 5 days!

After Sam was rehired, the employees were the rage!

That’s it for today, nothing else.

I hope you enjoyed the 5 day weekend (today is Thursday in case you didn’t notice).

Back to building,

Tibo 💻

PS Send this to a friend to make them laugh too!

PPS Reply to this email with any other memes that you think I should checkout, I’m all in!