First Dynamic Newsletter Ever

Where busy people find their ultra-relevant inspiration


Long time no see đź‘‹

You’re getting this email because you have supported me in the past on one of my projects. For that, thank you very much ❤️

If you don’t want to get anything from me anymore, feel free to unsubscribe, no hard feeling 👇

I think I owe you an update:

  1. The last 2 years have been quite incredible. I went from “no job and stuck in France during Covid” to “my SaaS are working 🎉”.

  2. Thanks to the incredible support of Twitter and Linkedin people, Tweet Hunter and Taplio are now serving 12,000 customers 🤯. Both tool have been acquired and I’ll stay fully committed to make them even better to empower Internet Creators.

  3. And, I am starting something new.

After being Maker of the Year 2022, I felt this huge pressure that the next new thing I would launch needed to be amazing... That’s such a bad mindset! And that’s how you end up launching nothing…

So today, I am doing it. I am launching.

And I would absolutely love to have your thoughts about it. Please consider having a look, it would mean the world 👇

Feel free to reply to this email, I will read all replies.

