I bought a new SaaS!

And it costed me multiple 6 figures...

I have an announcement!

I acquired Feather.so and will now take over the software growth and development.

Feather is a brilliant software that helps you convert your Notion page to a blog in minutes.

It’s easy to use, effective, and aesthetically pleasing.

Every property of great software.

And I’ve been a customer before….

I built and ran Tweet Hunter and Taplio blogs for years on Feather, and the results were amazing!

See them for yourself:

Tweet Hunter’s blog metrics

I love this journey from a customer to an owner and I’m really glad this deal went through.

Here are all the details:

Acquisition details

For context, here are the metrics of Feather as of June ‘24:

It’s a great company with slow, compounded growth.

Acquisition amount: $250,000 (3.25x ARR)

Deal structure:

  • 50% upfront

  • 50% after the asset transfer is done

  • No earn-out.

Asset transition was very hard for Feather as Cloudflare holds all the domain records from users. And they cannot be easily migrated.

We had to move them manually, 700 records, one at a time. (and by “we”, I mean Bhanu, the previous owner, thanks a lot Bhanu)

And that didn’t go well, Feather was down for 2 hours last week🤦

But it’s fully operational now, and I can commit to bringing Feather to new heights and delivering more value to users.

Why am I buying this company?

Sure, there were 10s of amazing options in front of me. Great deals and amazing valuations.

But there are 3 main reasons why I chose Feather:

1/ Slow continuous growth, with low churn. Sign of a business that’s actually useful to customers.

2/ Product works, and the end result is amazing. I’ve been a fan since being a customer of Feather via Tweet Hunter and Taplio.

3/ I expect many more people to start their own businesses in the next few years and Feather is positioned perfectly to help them grow.

My goals and next targets

The creator of this software, Bhanu, is an amazing indie hacker. But he hasn’t pushed out any fundamental updates and features in the past 1 year.

Most of my time and energy will go to these areas:

1/ SEO and higher ranks

Feather already works exceptionally well, but I have a few ideas to make it even better.

2/ Push it to new markets

People on Twitter might know a bit about it but that’s it. Outside of Twitter, it’s like Feather doesn’t exist, and that’s a shame. I will change that.

3/ Compete with Beehiiv.

Yes. The software I’m sending this email from. I want to take on the email marketing world and Feather will soon undergo that route.

More about this soon 🤫🤫

People love the product

The product is loved by many people in the indie hacking community.

I aim to expand the fans and create this into something big!

So that’s it! I’m sharing my journey of building a group of amazing companies with you all in real-time.

Every single update is packaged and delivered straight to your inbox. Every week.

If you like this, and found this to be helpful, please consider sharing this email with a friend who’s obsessed with startups and indie hacking!

Thank you so much :))

Also, please check out Feather.so and reply to this email with ANY suggestions or feedback about the product. I read every single email. 👇

Tweet of the week

My aim: to build a portfolio of calm companies.

That’s it for this week!

Forward this email to a friend who needs to read this 🚀

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See you next Thursday!

Keep building

Tibo 💻